Another Sandy Season
We have just marked a close to another great riding season with the recent President’s Day/Valentines Day weekend out at Dumont Dunes. Thankfully we were able to get in quite a few trips this year, and end the season on a good note.
The weather was pretty okay, although it was trying to push us over with some of the good ‘ol W. But without the wind there would be no Dumont, so it’s something we have to appreciate. As far as temperature, it was nice to not have to layer as much this last trip, and enjoy a few t-shirt and jeans afternoons.
My favorite part about going to Dumont, is the forced relaxation of it all. With minimal cellphone service, you find yourself really appreciating the landscape around you. I feel like I notice sunrises more in Dumont than I do anywhere else. Perhaps it’s because I’m not immediately waking up and shutting off an alarm or scrolling through social media. I’ve got to see the progression of a dark sky through purple, pink and orange to a light calming blue. Freezing albeit but it’s a small price to pay to see God welcome us to a new day.
Being around the fire is another time I am thankful for not much distraction. Something about watching the build, and growth of a fire really centers me. When the wind allows for it, sitting around a campfire at night with the entire Milky Way visible overhead, really gives you a grounding feeling after interacting with society for months on end.
I hope Dumont is a place that my family will continue going to for many years, even beyond my life. I pray my children get to experience the adrenaline of riding the face dunes, and can appreciate the winds that create this beautiful place. If you haven’t gone before, I highly recommend looking up some videos to get a grasp of just how massive the dunes are, and how beautiful the surrounding landscape is.
Where is a place you go to frequently that helps you forget about day to day life for awhile?
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