Welcome 2021
In 2020 there were times that life seemed to have ended as we know it. But at the end of the day the sky would change color and I could see the sun begin to set again. With the setting sun came the stars, and with the stars eventually the sun would rise yet again. Society may have stopped, but nature did not, and there was comfort in knowing that. So as we did in years before, in nature is where we would take refuge from the issues that surpassed our individual causes and in nature we would go to reset.
The past year threw a curveball that no one expected, the whole world had to adjust to a new life. Everything about modern life had to change. But with change comes adaptation, and with adaptation comes new ways of living better suited for our current environment. We took the challenges as they came and dealt with them one by one. The past nine months we found new creative ways to entertain ourselves, while also revisiting old passions that filled our empty days.
“Life’s not about expecting, hoping, and wishing. It’s about doing, being, and becoming”
I was not going to let life go before us without embracing the days when we could. It was unfathomable for me to sit in our one bedroom apartment for a number of days that no one seemed to know the total of. With precaution, I still adventured through 2020 and luckily came out the other end of it without a scratch.
In total I visited 4 states beyond my home state, and completed 6 “Firsts”. 2 of which were on bucket list items that I had wrote down years prior to be completed. The bucket list items were to run a half marathon, and to go back packing. I cannot pick a favorite item off the list, but I can definitely say that the bear encounters were at the bottom of my list.
2020 Firsts
Zion Half Marathon
Swimming in a lake in Washington
Exploring the Florida Panhandle
Backpacking in the Sierra Nevadas
Bear Encounters
Camping with our new travel trailer